Our service offering is quite simple. We offer comprehensive unclaimed property recovery services to anyone who has entitlement to unclaimed property accounts that have been seized by the State of New Jersey's Department of the Treasury.
A little-known provision in the New Jersey State Statutes has allowed the Treasury to quietly accumulate over $56.6 billion dollars of its citizens’ money.
Our mission is to recover this money and return it to its owners.
N.J.S.A. 46:30B‐1 - "Uniform Unclaimed Property Act"
Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, all property, including any income or increment derived therefrom, less any lawful charges, whether located in this State or another state, that is held, issued, owing in the ordinary course of a holder's business and has remained unclaimed by the owner for more than three years after it became payable or distributable is presumed abandoned.

Our Services
Our founders were born and raised in New Jersey. We have over 30 years of experience in the field of unclaimed property recovery. We have developed a comprehensive database of accounts that have been abandoned to the State of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury. The information, although limited in scope, is provided directly by the New Jersey State Treasury. We never know in advance the total amount of the claim, nor its source or nature.
Our outreach program is unique in scope. If you have heard from us, we have already identified an account, or accounts, that we believe you may be entitled to recover. If you have discovered us by some other means, please consider initiating a claim with us; we have proprietary asset location service that may uncover previously unknown accounts. Not all funds are listed in indexes published by the Treasury.
Our fees are entirely contingent and equivalent to twenty (20%) percent of the amount recovered. There is no risk in working with us. We are only paid upon a successful recovery, and the fee is deducted out of any recovered funds.
The State of New Jersey relies on the funds collected from the unclaimed property program as part of their annual budget. The roadblocks that have been placed to stall the approval of claims are too numerous to list. Working with our team ensures that a team of experienced professional recovery experts are monitoring your claim.
Notary services
New Jersey requires notarized signatures on certain claim documentation to complete the claim process. Although it is simple to obtain a notary stamp, in many instances we offer free notary services by appointment.
living claims
Even if you haven't changed your address for years, you may still have lost funds that have been seized by the State Treasury. Postal service errors, misplaced dividend checks, unpaid wages, refunds from all sorts of entities, are just some of the ways that funds end up in the custody of the State Treasury. Other than a publication in the print newspaper, there is basically no notification process.
deceased claims
Depending upon the value of the funds and the nature of the relationship, deceased claims can be tricky to substantiate. You can rely upon our team to guide you through the process to ensure a speedy recovery. We have a team of researchers and attorneys that we work with to complete these claims efficiently. These claims often require more effort and can take substantially longer to process.
corporate claims
Even businesses have lost assets lying dormant at the State Treasury. We have assisted many companies, large and small, in retrieving these assets; taking the resource burden off of the business, so they can focus on their core competencies.
“N.J.S.A. 46:30B‐76.2. Disclosure of confidential information.
Confidential information concerning any aspect of unclaimed property shall be disclosed
only to an apparent owner.”

Our fee is earned only when you receive your funds. we are paid out of the funds recovered. There are never any up-front fees or out of pocket expenses for our customers to incur. it is completely risk free.
start a claim
Please enter your information below and agree to our terms of service to initiate the claims process.