Its not a dirty little secret, its dirty big secret. Over $4 billion in unclaimed funds.

With over 3 million accounts, holding over $4 billion dollars, the State of New Jersey Treasurer has quietly accumulated a fortune that no one in government seems to talk about.  With a population just north of 9 million people, the numbers suggest that as many as 1 out 3 New Jersey residents have an unclaimed property sum due to them.

And even for those aware that they may have an old utility refund, or final paycheck un-cashed, the unfortunate conclusion is often, "how much could it possibly be?" or "its probably not worth the effort!".

Of course 65% to 75% (depending on the publisher) of unclaimed accounts are in fact under $100, however, 1) $100 is a lot of money, 2) many people have multiple accounts that add up to larger sums.

This money is important to the State, they use it to fill there budget deficits.  But its not the State's money, and your taxes are high enough.  Yes, it can be difficult to complete the claim process, but that is why GSTC formed to fill that role.

It really is simple and easy to work with us.  You can start a claim online, we will email you the agreement and authorization for electronic signature and we are on the case.

howard mintz